Friday 30 November 2012

Production Log - Filming


How did it go?

Our filming went really well, however we had to re-shoot our film. The first time we filmed, we thought it was okay because it matched our planning with the stpryboard, script and the planning. However the acting in the film didn't meet the standards and made the film look less realistic. We reshot the film and changed the location and reduced the actors down to two characters from three, so it could be more understandable for the audience and and match our genre conventions. Our seocnd filming went much better than the first, as it looked much more realistic and much more improved. The acting and the shots we used were more affective.
Did you change anything from your planning?

We changed the whole storyline in our filming from the storyboard because we realised that the storyline wasn't scary enough and didn't really match the conventions of a horror, as it was more funny for the audience rather than scary. So we had to change the storyline, but not completely as we kept the similar kind of narrative.

What were the difficulties?

There were quite a lot of difficulties while we shot our film opening. Firstly, was the lighting for some of our scenes. It was very dark and there wasn't enough light to show the faces of the characters, so we had to wait another day so we can shoot just when it was a bit lighter. Secondly, one of the actors who filmed the first time couldn't attend to reshoot, therefore it affected our storyline which we had to change due to this.

Are you on schedule?

Yes we are on schedule as all the filming is done, however we still needed to editing, by shortening some shots, adding music and titles.

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