Monday 31 December 2012

Film Opening - The Wake

This is my final version of my film opening. I have used all the different conventions the audience would expect to see in a horror.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

From the preliminary task I learnt many things about producing a film opening. It helped me in many ways, for example I got a good idea of the different shots that I could use for my film opening. On my preliminary task I used three important shots, the 180 degree shot, match on action and the shot reverse shot. All of these shots were good shots and became easier to do once you progressed. I used these shots in my film opening too.

Here are two screen shots of my "match on action" shot from my preliminary task. I learnt that this shot is very useful to show a character moving from one place to another and showing it in two shots and two different angles. As you can see, the first shot shows the character walking towards the door, then the next shot follows it up by showing him going through the door he just opened. This shot was very useful and helped me in my film opening. I use it to show my main character entering in and out of his room and his house, it is very affective.

Above is a screen shot of the"180 degree" shot from my preliminary task. I have learnt that this shot is very useful to show two character having a conversation and what kind of conversation they are having. For example, from this screen shot you can see that two boys are having a casual conversation across a table. I also learnt that I had to be very steady and still while recording this shot.
Above is another shot from my preliminary task, it is the "shot reverse shot". I learnt many things about this shot and it helped me a lot for my film opening. This shot could be used in various ways, as you can see from the screen shot, it can be used to show one person who is talking to the other person who is the one listening, this helps show the expressions of the character speaking. Other ways it could be used is, if someone is looking at someone from afar, or if they walking and the camera is over the characters shoulder to show the path he/she is walking in. I used this shot in my film opening, which shows the killer X, staring at the main character Tony.

Monday 3 December 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Sunday 2 December 2012

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract/address my audience for my film opening i did a variety of things such as showing some people my research and planning to understand what a rough outline of the story is and what genre it is. I also showed them my mind map so they know what kind of things were included in the opening such as props,costumes etc. Then I showed them my film opening and asked them what they like about it and if it fit in with the genre I was getting across. I asked them a few questions about my film opening.

1. What did u like most about the film opening? The thing i liked most was the music used during the opening. It brought a scary atmosphere which also would make you think something will happen which is what i expect from a horror film.

2. Did my film fit the genre? I think the opening did fit the horror genre because you followed the conventions of that genre such as scary music to build tension, cut scenes to show other characters that are in the film and what they are doing. You also used good costumes such as masks and a hoodie which tells you who is the killer in the film and using props such as knives which also is a typical prop used in horror film which also represents the film which is a slasher horror film.

3. Would you recommend it and why? I would recommend this film because it made me jump a lot. It used good music which kept me on my seat through the duration of it. It will give the audience a sense of fright and unexpected scenes.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This is Catello Di-iulio, he is 16 years old and lives in Bedford.

He dresses very casually - smart shirts, t-shirts and jeans, with trainers. He also like to wear simple hoodies. He enjoys socialising with people, hanging out with friends, going to the cinema and likes to go shopping. He enjoys shopping at shops like River Island, Next, Topman and H&M. The films he enjoys watching are horror, action and comedy films like paranormal activity, the strangers, the expendables and 21 jump street, the inbetweeners movie, which are all pretty boyish films and he likes to watch them with his friends.

 Catello also likes to watch a lot of different television programmes, mostly soaps like Hollyoaks, EastEnders and Waterloo Road. Reality shows are also his favourites, for example he likes to watch Russel Howard's Good News, The Only Way is Essex, Made in Chelsea and Geordie Shore. The main channels are E4, itv 2, BBC 1, BBC Three and MTV.

The music this person would listen to would be the latest songs in the charts, the genre's he listens to would vary from Pop, hip hop, rock, indie and R&B. His favourite music band is The Script and he also like Jason Mraz.

Overall, I think our film would appeal to him because he's a stereotypical teenage boy, who likes to hang out with friends, and enjoys mostly boyish things. He would stay on track with all the latest films in his local cinema therefore, if my film was showing in his local cinema, he would go and watch it because my film has all the conventions which would appeal to him.

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Why have you chosen your production company logo?

We have chosen our production company logo, because it shows the audience who produced the film, who was behind the making of everything in the film, also it shows what kind of films we would make. Our company is called "Slasher Productions", and our main genre is horror, so the name is really catchy and easy on the eye, as the word "slasher" is a convention of a horror film. Also the genre has many films under the slasher category, as it is a very popular category amongst the genre.

What is a production company? What do they do?

A production company creates motion pictures, TV programmes, adverts, trailers and other media products. The production companies show the audience what kind of films they make or produce, for example the pictures below we can see some famous production companies, and judging from the style and fonts of their company logo, you can tell that their main genre is horror. This will tell the audience which production company made the film, and what their genre is.

What is the job of a film distributor?

A film distributor is a company which has individual response for the marketing and distributing of the film. A film distributor would have to be trustworthy, as they would be responsible for the release of the film. They could set the release date of a film, so it can be viewed to different audiences.

Which film distributor would you choose for your film and why? What other films have they distributed that are similar to yours?

The film distributor I would choose for my film is Paramount, because they are a very famous and popular film distribution company, and have released many films which have been successful amongst the film industry. This could help my film attract the audience, as a big film distributing company like Paramount is behind the release of the film.  They have distributed films like Friday 13th and Paranormal Activity 1,2 and 3.

    How would your film be funded?

    The way my film  could be funded, is to approach another film production company, preferably a well known company, because this could also raise awareness to the audience for my production company and my film. For example, I could approach a company like Hammer Films, because they are a very well known production company in the film industry and produce films mainly in the horror genre.
Titles - Why do you need them? How have you presented them?

Titles in a film are very important, because it shows all the different roles of the people who have created the film. The audience should know who did what, for example it is important to show the "directed by" title, as the person who directed the film was the main person who came up with the ideas for the film. Also another important title could be the "edited by", this is because it shows the audience who edited the film, as this person puts everything together and edits the special effects, transition and cuts. Last but not least, the production company name should be there too, as this shows their importance and authority it has over the film. For my film opening, I have shown all their important titles, which show what me and my partner have done in the making of the film. My titles have a very "horror" font style, which is affective amongst the audience as it straightaway gives them that horror feel. Also, we put the film title "The Wake" at the end, as it will leave a cliffhanger for the audience wanting to know more about the film or what happens next. Also the title will stay on their minds, as it comes at the very end.

What films have influenced you from the industry and why?

There are many films which influenced our film. The film we have made is a horror film, under the slasher category which is our sub-genre, so we looked at many popular slasher films in the industry. Our main influence was "Halloween". We took a lot of influence from this film, because the storyline, the costumes, props, setting and characters all were great for the audience. It all made up the conventions of a horror/slasher genre film. In our film opening, the killer has a very similar mask, as to the one from Halloween, we took influence here because the mask was very simple but also gave that scary effect to the audience. Another thing from our film opening was our props, we used a knife which is very significant in a slasher film.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media work represent particular social groups?

In my media film opening, I play the main protagonist of the film who is presented as a young student, an could be from around the age of 16-18, so he would be in the teenage social groups. This social group can vary from students to workers, they could be of any ethnic race or from a multi-cultural society.

Above is a screenshot from my film opening of the main protagonist of the film Tony. You can see that he has a simple blue hood on, with his hair styled up.

In this picture above is an image of an actor in a hollywood movie called "The Amazing Spider-man", you can see that they presented him as young student, who is dressed very casually, similarly to the picture of the character in my film opening, they're both wearing a hood and have styled up hair.

This shows that the social groups they both are in is their both teenagers, and are young students. It shows that the fashion and style amongst this social group is very similar.

Evaluation Question 1