Wednesday 5 December 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

From the preliminary task I learnt many things about producing a film opening. It helped me in many ways, for example I got a good idea of the different shots that I could use for my film opening. On my preliminary task I used three important shots, the 180 degree shot, match on action and the shot reverse shot. All of these shots were good shots and became easier to do once you progressed. I used these shots in my film opening too.

Here are two screen shots of my "match on action" shot from my preliminary task. I learnt that this shot is very useful to show a character moving from one place to another and showing it in two shots and two different angles. As you can see, the first shot shows the character walking towards the door, then the next shot follows it up by showing him going through the door he just opened. This shot was very useful and helped me in my film opening. I use it to show my main character entering in and out of his room and his house, it is very affective.

Above is a screen shot of the"180 degree" shot from my preliminary task. I have learnt that this shot is very useful to show two character having a conversation and what kind of conversation they are having. For example, from this screen shot you can see that two boys are having a casual conversation across a table. I also learnt that I had to be very steady and still while recording this shot.
Above is another shot from my preliminary task, it is the "shot reverse shot". I learnt many things about this shot and it helped me a lot for my film opening. This shot could be used in various ways, as you can see from the screen shot, it can be used to show one person who is talking to the other person who is the one listening, this helps show the expressions of the character speaking. Other ways it could be used is, if someone is looking at someone from afar, or if they walking and the camera is over the characters shoulder to show the path he/she is walking in. I used this shot in my film opening, which shows the killer X, staring at the main character Tony.

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