Monday 1 October 2012

Task 1 - Timeline of A Film Opening

Task 1 : Timeline of A Film Opening

I have chosen to look at the opening of 'Avengers Assemble' (2012) Directed By Joss Whedon

I watched the opening sequence of 'Avengers Assemble' and on a piece of paper recored all the titles that appeared in the 01:53 time, I wrote a total of 25 titles on my timeline. The director Joss Whedon, is mentioned more than twice and this reflects his importance in the film. I also noted that the camera does different shots, which shows the characters' costumes, whihc emphasises their powers and skills, for example, on the title "T18 Mark Ruffalo" it shows a broken pair of glasses, this reflects to his character, because when he transforms into the hulk he breaks and rips out of his clothes. I also wrote the titles of the companies that are behind the film to release it, which shows the reputation of the film.

Here is a sheet, showing all the titles I recorded of the opening sequence on a timeline.

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