Monday 8 October 2012

Task 8 - Production Logo Company

This is the production company logo that I have come up with, called "Slasher Productions", which I will be sharing with my partner who I am working with for my film opening. I have used bloody effect for the writing, and used a face of a killer. I have used all these effects, so it suits my genre. What this production logo tell the audience about my company and films, is that they are mainly horror or thriller. The man represents a killer or a monster, and the blood and knife represent victims being hurt and attacked.

The job of my production company is to help produce the films and to do all the editing for the film and focus on my genre and make it suitable for my audience. My company would be an "independent" film company, because it is outsied of the "major" film studios. Major film studios are films which are mostly featured in Hollywood, and have big budgets. Major film examples ares like Paranormal Activity, sinsinster and Saw.

Major film companies mainly focus on the budgets and how many views, ratings and sales they could make.  Also the major film companies use A-List actors to help promote their film.  Below are examples of some major film production companies who mainly produce "horror" films.

Independent companies focus more on their audience and try to use their conventions to the best they can so their audience enjoys the film.

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