Thursday 18 October 2012

Task 18 - Script

Shot 1

Tony walks to his house

Shot 2

Tony sees that his back door is open

Shot 3

Tony goes upstairs to his room and falls asleep

Shot 4

Tony wakes up after hearing a loud bang

Shot 5

Tony goes down and sees that his front door is open, but nobody is in.

Shot 6

Tony comes back upstairs to call his mum

Tony: Hey mum, I'm going out, so when you come home I won't be in, alright bye.

Shot 7

Tony gets ready to go out

Shot 8

Tony is ready and goes downstairs, however he thinks he forgot his keys and X is standing behind him, without him knowing of this. 

Shot 9

Tony locks the door and goes away, X comes out of the darkness watching him walk.

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