Tuesday 9 October 2012

Task 9,10,11 - Preliminary Task

Task 9 - The Script

Andrea walks to his friend Arun and sits down opposite him on the table

Arun: You alright

Andrea : You alright mate

Arun: Did you see the match yesterday, Chelsea were so lucky!

Andrea: No they weren't we deserved to win, we can score unlike you

Arun: Oh my god they were so jammy!

Andrea: No, no. We deserved to win, we were the better team on the day

Arun: Next time we'll play you we'll beat you easily

Andrea: Okay then, I bet you £5 we will win 3-0

Arun: Alright, I reckon we'll win 7-1

Andrea: Alright then you're on!

Arun: Go on then

They both shake hands as they make their bet

Task 10 - The Storyboard

Task 11

Here is my video for the preliminary task. In this short video, you can see that I used the three different cinematography techniques, the 180 degrees shot, match on action and a shot reverse shot.

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